Error? Keep asking ID/PW? Loading but no Yellow Bar? Loggd In but no channels?


TV Addicted
Dec 13, 2014
Error? Keep asking ID/PW? Loading but no Yellow Bar? Loggd In but no channels?

these are common problem what most ppl have today.

Error problem
Best thing I would try is reset Mac address, but you need to sign in reseller account or papiao site to do that.
I don't know if you email to papiao to reset it for you.
because reset mac address worked for me.

Keep asking ID/PW
This is for sure you are using older version. 7.11.01 has fixed Device ID.
You need to check "Send Device ID to..." option clicked. It is under Device ID.
After this exit and reenter your ID/PW

Loading but no Yellow Bar?
this is not normal I would try uninstall your emulator and install version 6.11 or new version 7.11.01 and try all steps again.
I don't think you can download 6.11, but new version is available.
make sure you keep your mac address before you uninstall it.

Please contact your provider... Problem
it is same as Error problem reset your mac address.

Loggd In but no channels?
It is good you did everything right. Just wait for channels work like we all do.

Strange sometimes emulator bumped out of the server and stop working with one of those messages then try it again.
I think it is normal at the moment.

This is what I tried so far and worked.