enter the EPG and scroll to the channels found at the top of the list but just below the PPV channels.
Stay in the EPG menu and sit on TVLand channel for instance.
Is there a loading circle visible?
Now stay in EPG and scroll down the list and then enter on any channel, stay in the epg and go back to the top (below the PPV channels) Sit on there a second or two and then scroll up and down fast and then back to TVLand.
Give it a few seconds.
If still seeing that loading circle, then scroll down further this time and back up again.
it would be to your best interest to learn how the m3u Playlist option also works. Then you could have your MAC attached method with it's server EPG source or also could switch easily on that Buzz box to a Playlist method, which could have 2 sources (Acid's and Shooty's).
That way you'd have 3 possible epg sources to choose from easily.
The initial setup will take some time, because you will have to create Playlist portals and also be able to quickly log on service site and switch from MAC to no MAC
I can help you with all of this but I won't get into it just now. The guides are posted.
But if you want, I can direct you to correct info so you can then do the work
To research all of this , explore all of these Buzz Box sub-forums and not only this 4500 sub forum . It's all related
Thank much, I will take you up on the help later when I get the time and mental capacity (LOL)
It will be a few days for sure.
Well, I couldn't get it work so I finally remembered to to a clear cache and then reboot and all is well again.
thank you again, it made me get my head out of the dark side.