Using IPTV Stalker And IPTV Simple Client, Times Off 4 Hours Regardless Of Time Shift Hour Settings ? No Difference In Times Using F1 Or F2 Settings, Is There Any Fix?
Are you certain the device and the software both have the correct time/time zone setting? Did you disable both the PVR Simple Client and TV and clear data from both TV (System > Settings > TV > General > Clear Data) and the Guide (System > Settings > TV > Guide > Clear Data) before you made the time adjustment in PVR Simple Client?
If that doesn't do it, try changing your MAC. Some have found that helps bring the time back in sync. Remember to change your MAC in the epg url if you go this route.
Most will recommend that you change to PVR Stalker Client or PVR Stalker NFPS instead of using PVR Simple Client.
Using IPTV Stalker And IPTV Simple Client, Times Off 4 Hours Regardless Of Time Shift Hour Settings ? No Difference In Times Using F1 Or F2 Settings, Is There Any Fix?
change your mac, and NFPSF1 will work again. remember to change the epg url also.
as a side note take ilan recommendation of shifting to PVR Stalker Client or PVR Stalker NFPS instead of using PVR Simple Client.
ps. you need to change mac in either case.