Yes there is a way to do it. It is not a newbie thing and takes some effort. I have it for around 60 channels that I watch and it does about 3 days worth of EPG. I am not going to post a youtube video, there isn't one that I know of. I am not going to walk everyone through. But I will give the basics.
First you need of mc2xml :
This will give you the XMLTV file needed for the EPG. I just use the m*cros*ft setting so be forewarned if you are weary of that.
Then you need to setup a m3u channel list of fake channels. Here is an example:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Sportsnet", Sportsnet East HD
hxxp://whatever you
This channel does not work and will not give you and EPG. It is just an example of a simple m3u file. You would save it as any.m3u for example.
So you would create a list of fake channels and use the same http:// or any fake http:// you wanted. But would change the first line to the channel you want. Like I said this is experimental and I make no guarantees.
One thing I had a problem with was that the mc2xml returned around 4 or 5 different tvg-name tags and the guide would not recognize the channels in kodi. So I edited the 60 or so that I watch and put those in a text file and just pasted over the <channel></channel> tags in an xml editor.
So I ended up with something like this:
If you download the full channel xmltv, the file will be huge. So I suggest making a chl file of just the channels that you want to use with mc2xml.
Now go into kodi and enable the PVR simple client. Point it to you fake channel list. Point to epg to the xmltv file and select all channels. Viola guide.
I am not going to spend a lot of time on this. But if you play around with this, at least you will know what is on.
First you need of mc2xml :
This will give you the XMLTV file needed for the EPG. I just use the m*cros*ft setting so be forewarned if you are weary of that.
Then you need to setup a m3u channel list of fake channels. Here is an example:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Sportsnet", Sportsnet East HD
hxxp://whatever you
This channel does not work and will not give you and EPG. It is just an example of a simple m3u file. You would save it as any.m3u for example.
So you would create a list of fake channels and use the same http:// or any fake http:// you wanted. But would change the first line to the channel you want. Like I said this is experimental and I make no guarantees.
One thing I had a problem with was that the mc2xml returned around 4 or 5 different tvg-name tags and the guide would not recognize the channels in kodi. So I edited the 60 or so that I watch and put those in a text file and just pasted over the <channel></channel> tags in an xml editor.
So I ended up with something like this:
<xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE tv SYSTEM "xmltv.dtd">
<blah blah blah>
<channel id="blah blah">
<display-name>blah blah</display-name>
<programme start="blah">
If you download the full channel xmltv, the file will be huge. So I suggest making a chl file of just the channels that you want to use with mc2xml.
Now go into kodi and enable the PVR simple client. Point it to you fake channel list. Point to epg to the xmltv file and select all channels. Viola guide.
I am not going to spend a lot of time on this. But if you play around with this, at least you will know what is on.