[h=2]Solution for 25% Yellow Line and Authentication Issue[/h]
============= Solution For 25% Yellow Line ===============
There are two section your need to work on
A. IPTV Side
B. Internet Side Papiao.tv side
Here is the Procedure:
1. From Google Play: Downloaded and Installed STB- Emulator
2. Lunch the Emulator – It will Open and Stop at ID & Password
3. With your Air-Mouse or USB Mouse click on Setting BAR then select Setting (This is hidden you just have to click on the right corner of the TV Screen)
4. Click on Profile Name (you see the Portal setting, MAC and etc..)
5. There are list of items you need to insert values:
6. For MAC: 01:1A:78:11:59:87 (example) this is your MAC generated on Papiao.tv
7. For in Portal URL: 2.iptvprivateserver.tv (portal is associated to your Donation-No Server it might be different on yours)
9. For Serial Number: 123456A789987 (13 Numbers) Critical
10. For Device ID: 987654321ADC ( insert 12 Number and remember this) Critical
11. Click on little box says send device ID (Important)
12. Critical Part: On the top of the device ID Click on the little BOX says USE MAC BASED DEVICE ID
13. Save those settings by Exiting the STB emulator, (If you exit it auto save it—Turn the IPTV BOX-OFF)
Internet Side:
14. Open Papiao.tv site – Insert your Donation number, it gives you the current MAC you have, change it to new (this is very important)
15. After that make sue the new MAC is registered which matached your IPTV Box MAC address
16. At the same Page on Papiao.tv Click on IPTV-RESET- to reset your Donation Code to your IPTV MAC Address… this is very critical part.
17. Go back on TV- IPTV side and Re-launched STB- Emulator
18. It comes up to an Authentication window with ID and Password Box
19. For ID & Password: for both Type your donation number (this is the pain part)
20. Click OK …. This shall give you the Full length of 100% Yellow line on Highlighting line
21. It will Open with all the channels nice and neat-- Enjoy
There are two section your need to work on
A. IPTV Side
B. Internet Side Papiao.tv side
Here is the Procedure:
1. From Google Play: Downloaded and Installed STB- Emulator
2. Lunch the Emulator – It will Open and Stop at ID & Password
3. With your Air-Mouse or USB Mouse click on Setting BAR then select Setting (This is hidden you just have to click on the right corner of the TV Screen)
4. Click on Profile Name (you see the Portal setting, MAC and etc..)
5. There are list of items you need to insert values:
6. For MAC: 01:1A:78:11:59:87 (example) this is your MAC generated on Papiao.tv
7. For in Portal URL: 2.iptvprivateserver.tv (portal is associated to your Donation-No Server it might be different on yours)
9. For Serial Number: 123456A789987 (13 Numbers) Critical
10. For Device ID: 987654321ADC ( insert 12 Number and remember this) Critical
11. Click on little box says send device ID (Important)
12. Critical Part: On the top of the device ID Click on the little BOX says USE MAC BASED DEVICE ID
13. Save those settings by Exiting the STB emulator, (If you exit it auto save it—Turn the IPTV BOX-OFF)
Internet Side:
14. Open Papiao.tv site – Insert your Donation number, it gives you the current MAC you have, change it to new (this is very important)
15. After that make sue the new MAC is registered which matached your IPTV Box MAC address
16. At the same Page on Papiao.tv Click on IPTV-RESET- to reset your Donation Code to your IPTV MAC Address… this is very critical part.
17. Go back on TV- IPTV side and Re-launched STB- Emulator
18. It comes up to an Authentication window with ID and Password Box
19. For ID & Password: for both Type your donation number (this is the pain part)
20. Click OK …. This shall give you the Full length of 100% Yellow line on Highlighting line
21. It will Open with all the channels nice and neat-- Enjoy