VOD / INFO Dreamlink t2 has 8/1gb ram - other boxes have 16/16 and 16/32 - which runs better?

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New member
Dec 20, 2017
yes i do.
Hello folks - have a mag256 and thinking about changing to dreamlink t1 or t2 but noticed other android boxes are adding more ram for processor and storage into their boxes and run the same apk's
Is there a difference in thru-put or response in any of these?
For most, 1 GB memory is fine.
EMMC memory is different and most people do not take into accoount on how the EMMC system is designed to help with all this.

(T2 specs)
MEMORY EMMC : 8 GBYTES (default)

most benefits of the EMMC system is only seen thru the manufacture and outsourced endeavors... but one important benefit of the EMMC system is how it manages memory and such things.

It also eliminates the need for a memory expansion slot by stacking several memory functions vertically, resulting in a very small footprint for the memory devices.