Dreamlink T1 and Teamviewer "QS" Help


TV Addicted
Nov 11, 2016
yes i do
I have installed Teamviewer Quick Support Apk.

I can connect to the Dreamlink T1 and I do see the "dashboard", "apps", "screenshot", "processes", "settings" panels; however I cannot get the "remote control" panel to work.

I am able to connect to a M8S android box from my PC and use the "remote control" panel with no problems.

What am I missing?
Has anyone been able to "remote control" into the T1 using teamviewer?

The problem is the Dreamlink is not a rooted Android device and doesn't work with google services at the present moment.

You can read all the information from the device, but can not have remote control access like your M8S.

I had made the request for Teamviewer Host edition to see if would make a difference, but through reading found that Teamviewer was non compliant with the Dreamlink, and that other options were being looked at.

You can see the brief conversation the APK request thread.
What they need to do is add the tramviewer host app as well. I have found that installing the host app enables the Quick support display to work on boxes that otherwise would not.