dreamlink iptv set up


New member
Mar 1, 2017
please help me ! i have been reading now for 3 nights in a row and just can't seem to grasp iptv set up! i have installed latest bin 363 .... done factory reset (4 times now).....installed latest emulator armv7 0.9 for rocket.......linked my mac addresss in stb to my rocket code...checked to make sure rocket was working and logged into papaio to make sure mac addy was linked....followed zombie mans set up instructions in the url portal default is http://11.iptvrocket.tv / and rocket says I should use htpp://22.iptvrocket.tv which i did... i also made sure first three numbers in mac addy were 00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX the X match machines mac addy...then when i exit out i got a dark blue screen with a horizontal blue barber symbol in the middle... no where was i able to input my access code so far and not sure y? please help
seems like you have done everything correct, except that access code entry :(

Doesn't Zoombie Man's set up explain where that is ?

mmmm... I do not remember off top of my head, but I can go look at some of my old old posts on the T6 :)
Click in top right hand top corner on the screen and some menus will appear. Click again and some more menus will appear. Click on the top left side and some more menus will appear. this is where the MAC is found and some other info.

thats all i could find.
I did not re-check Zoombie's guide thou :eek:
thanks crazed .... i clicked menu then down to rc> menu again and anything i try to select in that menu screen goes away!! also is this being done on screen with blue barber sign i assume? thanks again
ok i still cant get this emulator app to work!! i used the default mac addy in dreamlink and linked that to donation is that the problem? where would i look for these older posts crazed? i have read lots of posts even tried the iptv stalker xtream codes and couldnt get it to connect rrrrrrrrrrrrr! iks is much easier than this for sure maybe i have just gotten too old.......