Deaf and dumb after donation


New member
Jan 16, 2015
72 hours already elapsed since I gave my donation to IKS .Have learned from Forum that it should be ok after that time duration .However no reply yet even to my forgotten password .Really eager to get into this 11.iptvpriv...... Would these people extend and stretch out more this waiting time ,I wonder ? May there be an explanation ,I wish to be clarified
Silence after donation

Thank you for the replies and advices .In fact I have sent them a mail with my order number and e-mail address .Must however point out that no mention of time elapse was indicated on the donation page .As others before me I also feel anxious and worried .Meanwhile we donators may suffer from absence of private Tv On Line for quite a long time ,understandably boring and disgusting for a matter which should revised and corrected ,many will agree with me .We normally subscribe to only one system .Thus we should be advised how long before we should renew in order to guarantee an interrupted reception .
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