configured ivue tvguide for ipt66


New member
Nov 12, 2015
say yes i do.
1.Uninstall previous versions of IPTV Stalker
2.Download the:
3.Clear to defaults by going to add-on settings and clicking Defaults
4.Configure iptv stalker using this metod.
a) at portal 1 put the all information of iptv66.
b) erase nfps and write iptv66 in the name, put the iptv66 url:
c) Click on "Custom Mac Address" and write your liked mac addres
d) "Send Serial Number" and done
5.install ivue tv guide addon repo, locate the iVue TV Guide Add-on repo, and install the TecBox Ivue Wizard from the Video Add-ons. Install iVue guide using the Tecbox Ivue Wizard, in Programs, using IVUE TOOLS, INSTALL IVUE TV GUIDE.
6. go to system> tv >general> and enable
7. go to system> addon> my addon> pvr client and enable pvr simple client and configure your time zone in epg setting
8. go to system> addon> my addon> program>goto ivue tvguide and configure with this:
a)in source click XMLTV type and select TECBOX (stalkeriptv) and done
9. close kodi, opened and go to program and select ivue tv guide
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I had to do several corrections on this "tutorial" for the installation of the iVue guide. Their recommendation is to use the wizard that is on the repo, not an install from zip file... but you do have to install the listed repo.

Actually, you do not have to modify portal 1 with the details for IPTV66. What you do need to do is to just configure it with the linked MAC, "send serial number" and configure the custom serial number, device IDs and signature, so your mac is not easily hijacked.

We look forward for contributions to the site, but please make sure they are correct, particularly tutorials, and don't duplicate efforts already made on the site.
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