Clairvoyance Skin Not Working?


New member
May 8, 2016
Yes I do
I used to be able to go to the 3rd Party Addons under the Clairvoyance source, and install and everything would install correctly. Now I get an error saying 'Failed to install Add-on from zip'. If I try and install it from the Repo, it gets to Downloading 8%, says Add-on Enabled, asks if I want to switch to that skin, and then says 'Unable to load skin. Skin is missing some files'

What's happened to this amazing skin!?

The kodi.log doesn't give much information. Some WARNING CSkinInfo: failed to load skin settings, and ERROR: failed to load requested skin 'skin.artic.zephyr'

I've tried on two different Android TVs (Sony and Philips)