VOD / INFO Channels stuck in the loop

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Dec 6, 2014
Well, seems channel 619 and 420 need a bump as both are looping themselves and the frozen fish commercial is getting top value for its money. Might be a good idea to provide a Sticky for looping channels or channels having issues.:confused::confused:
Each server sub-forum has it's own sub forum for channel reports.

This here channel discussion forum is for other things concerning channel discussions, like the frozen fish commercial getting it's money's worth ...lol
@Deadwood , I first determined what service(s) i have


So i tried NFPS on Portal #6 and looked at Channel 420 , i saw the glitch ...

So i went into the sub forum and reported the channel here -> -NFPS-Channel-Reports


I did the same for Channel 620 as well ..

I also did check announcements here -> IPTV-Talk-News-And-Announcements

Keep a eye on Dragonkiller , they let you know if there's problems .....

Sometimes it gets posted here -> IPTV-Private-Server-(NFPS)


That should give you a general idea of how or what to do if you have a channel(s) problem(s) ....... Have a good 1 ~

But Crazed is the man ......
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