The 2-8 Second delay is common , even cable tv is the same . I'll try to my best to explain why it does it .
First a signal is sent to the receiver or stb to make sure you're a paid customer , some systems like a reversed system request a signal back from the unit used to make sure you've paid for the event or channel(s) so that takes a second or two .
The other seconds make of the channel itself being broadcasted , SD channels , HD channels and 4k all have different video formats , it takes a second or two for the until/stb to decode and then display it on your television .
That's how you and everyone else get the common 2-8 second delays , maybe in the near future with better technology , and newer equipment it won't be that way , but its common on every system as of right now .
Then you have IPTV and what Rocket , NPFS , and 66 do , i am not talking about the exploit at all .. Combine all those factors in and you get the channel delays .
Can you list all channels that aren't working for you , instructions on report them are here ~>
::: Read ::: How To Report [ 66 ] Down Freezing Buffering Glitches ::: Here :::
And check Announcements before reporting channels marked as out of service ~>
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