Changing Mac Address


New member
Jul 12, 2016
yes i do
Am changing my Dreamlink T1 Mac Address from the number 79 to 78 (leaving everything else the same)to use with kodis stalker client and and it says ...update was successful...Then did an iptv reset. When I go to kodi however I cant login in. Changed bac k to the old Mac Address even though the iptv site said the update was successful and it will let me log in. The screen in kodi still shows the old mac address. Could anybody help.
is there a reason why you would prefer to run the service thru KOdi ?

Your dreamlink T1 does not need Kodi or the Stalker program. The T1 has server functionality built in, so no need to use Kodi for the server connection.
The program is called Dreamlink-OnLine or DOL for short
is there a reason why you would prefer to run the service thru KOdi ?

Your dreamlink T1 does not need Kodi or the Stalker program. The T1 has server functionality built in, so no need to use Kodi for the server connection.
The program is called Dreamlink-OnLine or DOL for short
Thanks a lot for the info Crazed, I wont bother with it.