IPTV66 Cant get it to work - KODI with IP66TV

IPTV66 Help here!


New member
Dec 6, 2015
yes i do

I'm totally new to this whole ip thing and i'm already busy almost 3 hours without success. The last thing to do is ask you guys for help

My setup;
Macmini with Kodi 15.2 with Eminence skin
Default Stalker PVR client (0.8.4) ( no other pvr clients enabled)

Stalker config;
mac addres; mac address which is linked to my route number i got from IP66
server addres ; 66.iptv66.tv (also tried with http://)
timezone ; europe/kiev (untouched)

auth credentials ; both filled in with my routenumber, also tried without using them (blank)
guide; untouched
xmltv; untouched

token : blank
serialnumber : something i made up, 13 chars
device id ; something i made up, 8 chars
device id2; something i made up, 9 chars
signature; something i made up, 8 chars

Everytime i changed a config i first disabled the pvr client via setup / pvr and disabled stalker client. after saving settings i enabled stalker client and afterwards cleared cache in PVR settings (twice). Then i enabled the pvr client.

Error i keep getting is 'Stalker Client : Unable to load channels'
When i enter the TV in Kodi i get the message the pvr client didnt start.

I found a topic which stated to enable parental controls and clear cache again, did this which didnt help. Again disabled everything before changing and clearing cache twice.

When i check my route on the website of iks66 (https://iks66.tv/main/search) it's ok and i can see my mac is connected to my route. Remaining days is 32

What i already did;
Searched this forum for multitple tutorials. Read the pdf tutorial at http://iptvtalk.net/iptv-how-to-setup.pdf, watched the whole tutorial at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWCys8V_E9c. And the video tutorial on ik66 website, but that doesnt apply for me while its made for resellers. Also read couple topics but didnt find anything new i didnt found in the tutorials

My question ofcourse is what am i doing wrong? Or did i miss some steps?
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well, think i got luck. after reading more topics i read somewhere to use a diff mac if you use Kodi, altered my mac address and updated my mac on the ip66tv website and all seems to be working. thanks, now i'm gonna watch some tv :D