what I am good at and also what not many have access to, is helping members with finding their boughten codes. These can come from NFPS or Rocket or IPTV66
I can find access for a member that bought from a reseller but never got the Client ID *which the client needs in order to search his code), I can usually find that for the member.
I can find codes that maybe the member never got an email of authentacation (maybe because ISP or emails and how they display certain tags. That donatation number or Route number is in a tagged format and could be an issue with some email services. But with just the members email addy, I can usually find the goods for the member.
I can proform a reset on any given code, even if the member has reached a daily limit on them resets.
I can do alot of things with the access I have, but I can not diagnose iptv issues
If I did that type of thing thru private messages then what I am really good at would get neglected, as my time would be extremly taxed.
Papiao should not be promoting my time.
I need to contact papiao and tell them I need a raise, a big raise
My job that pays my bills takes me away from being on-line as much as I would like, as like I was and am in the winter months.
ANyway, sounds like maybe your server URL needs looking at.
For me to check that I would need your code and URL assigned and then I would have to try your code personally here at my house which entitles entering it all on a working receiver and then try each URL to comapre what happens with each. That entitles alot of work bro, which I can not comit to.
Use the full URL with the Mag boxes... or at least that is how it was last time I had a Mag on-line.
My appologies