• BuzzTV 4000
    BuzzTV 4500
    BuzzTV 4900
    BuzzTV 5000
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    Sticky Threads can be shared among the BuzzTV models.
    Of course some things would be different, such as the specs and etc, but the options and setups should be the same in most cases and similar in other cases.

buzzTV 4900 No Turn On


TV Addicted
May 26, 2015
yes i do.
I got new buzzTV 4900 first time set up the power didn't turn on stuck on the red LED . I tried power on with remote control , but still the same issue . Any one know this problem , please help ? thanks
try to reset using pin or toothpick. reset button should inside of the AV port. disconnect power first, hold reset button then power on and keep holding until you see recovery screen . then chose reset option and see if that helps.
you gonna need to talk to buzz team and get replacement box.
It could be isolated to the power adaptor but that opens other possible situations.
You posted on the buzz support site and the dev beieves you were helped through the ebay messaging and it was a power supply
If thats not the case you should go back to the buzz support site