Avov TV Online ver.2 Guide


3 Time Nascar Pool Winner
May 15, 2015
Out There...!
My Friend has one of these AVOV's and says it works Great but, Hers has one little problem and She does not know how to Fix It...! She says when She goes to TvOnline the Guide Populates and the Channels are Double and even a small number are in there 3 times...! Only the 1st one listed works, the other(s) just continue with the spinning blue ball loading...! She would like to know if there is a way to get the Guide back to just showing one of each Channel...?!? She says She has Booted and Re-Booted by turning it Off and On and even Unplugging and Re-Starting again...! I told Her I would ask here and see Hopefully if Someone can tell Me what to tell Her to do...! Thanks... She be :confused: ...! I Think She is using Rocket...