AVOV playing anywhere or not ??


New member
Jan 16, 2015
Hi .
I now wish to know whether AVOV will play almost anywhere,i.e in any country world wide , as it's being efficient here in Canada .Will it play ,say "TV On line" or any other streams in Norway or in African countries and in other nearby territories such as Madagascar or island of Mauriritius which is further down ,or other .How will it play ,satisfactorily or through subscription if there is one over there .Really wish to be replied on as no dish or antenna is required .
Thanks you
cloger .
As with all IPTV boxes they should essentially work if you have an internet connection. That being said some countries / internet services have very restrictive internet access. They may block certain IP connections based on their terms and services. Assuming you can connect to the server with the internet you are using you should be able to view it just fine. You should also look out for certain copyright laws. Some areas also prohibit streaming of copyrighted content. So some websites you have access to through our box (some of the VOD apps) may be deemed illegal in another country. Canada allows for streaming of copyrighted content so you don't need to worry about that but just something to keep an eye out for.