AVOV 1 VOD wont load up

Daniel 9

New member
Jan 28, 2015
AVOV 1 VOD on tv online won't load at all for days now. Is any one else having trouble with this. No news on the forums. Good job on new channels tv online. I'm using 11.iptvprivateserver.tv all other channels on iptv work ok. Info please.
any suggestions, I'm about to load the server again and a box reset has not helped in the past. I'm going to try the rocket server address I have been told that it works. If I can find it in the threads. thank you in advance.
I submitted a ticket to AVOV for this problem and I have not got an answer from them. Seems that the support for the VIXO 1 is discontinued as the box itself.....
I also have a TV Online box and it does loads up the VOD's.
i guess some ppl are just hijacking the actual post that is about AVOV1 which is not working on VOD anymore and if there is a fix for it or not
so far it looks like there is no support for this model any more