Using Rocket (2 days old subscription)
Kodi 16.1
Stalker PVR Client (Native to Kodi 16.1) 1.0.12
Configured Mac to match Rocket Setup (00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX)
TimeZone: Default
Login: Donation#
Password: Donation#
Preference XMLTV Only
Cache Guide Data True
Cache Time (hours) 24
Scope - Remote URL
Remote URL - ""
Token - Blank
Serial # - Random 13 digits
Device ID - Random 6 digits
Devise ID2 - Blank
Signature - Random 10 digits
Tried to reset IPTV, no luck, reset port.. etc
I'm disabling live tv, disabling stalker, configure stalker, enable stalker, clear all data from tv and enable. Receiving Authentication Failed...retrying.
I have also tried to change my mac, still same issues.
Kodi 16.1
Stalker PVR Client (Native to Kodi 16.1) 1.0.12
Configured Mac to match Rocket Setup (00:1A:78:XX:XX:XX)
TimeZone: Default
Login: Donation#
Password: Donation#
Preference XMLTV Only
Cache Guide Data True
Cache Time (hours) 24
Scope - Remote URL
Remote URL - ""
Token - Blank
Serial # - Random 13 digits
Device ID - Random 6 digits
Devise ID2 - Blank
Signature - Random 10 digits
Tried to reset IPTV, no luck, reset port.. etc
I'm disabling live tv, disabling stalker, configure stalker, enable stalker, clear all data from tv and enable. Receiving Authentication Failed...retrying.
I have also tried to change my mac, still same issues.