VOD / INFO Aspirational S*** (2022)

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crazed 9.6

Transparent Wall Technician
Oct 31, 2014
ummmmm.... okay.
This one somehow managed it's way into our VOD Library.

'This is not a porno'
'I repeat, I have never had sexual relations with that woman, and especially never in the White House. '

errrrrrr ummm I meant to say.. 'I repeat , this is not a porno'


It's not a full length movie either.
It's a Short.

It's messed up.

And defiantly do not let the children watch this one.

I can't give this one a high score.
Mostly cause we never get to see our lead actress' breasts ... Did I mention it is a Short ?

lol, kidding I am... its as ummm difficult as I said it was, but it's got merit too. It's a film and that is the truth.

In fact there is no 'actual' nudity, but lots of intent and lots of language

I warned yea :)

It's not about Clinton either, I just threw that in there for effect :)
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