NFPS / Private A sincerely thank u for NFPS team

IPTV Private Server (NFPS)


New member
Feb 14, 2016
I will like to take a moment to congrats all the people responsible for the iptv service. I'm
Very happy with my annual supcription and the amount that I pay for it. Today is very expensive to have all te channels that I have right now, so I will like to thanks the person or the team in charge on iptv service nfps! Is a great service, no matter all the discrepancies that maybe have been or in the future we have, but is amazing the service and all the channels that we get for a incredible price. Keep going forward, I hope this will exist forever. I just put myself on ur position on all this business and I just want to Thank u and a take my hat off for all ur work. Keep going!