VOD / INFO 4k in VOD

For all the VOD, beginners info, novice stuff.
So I had a chance to look at this new category. Looks great !
Opened up our Kokaleka app (on LapTop) to see the new category '4k Movies', which included 401 selections.
Glancing thru these selections all I see are hit movie after hit movie.
With movies included that have not been seen before in our library... Saving Private Ryan is one and the original Young Guns, along with others.
Looks great :)

First one watched was the original Jurassic Park (but of course, what else could it be) :)
Pretty good :)

Another new category seems was added recently was 'Westerns' and 'Vaqueros'

VOD Library Categories:
-Movies- 6240
-Peliculas- 4641

-Recently Watched
-Movies 4K (sub) - 401
-Peliculas 4K -
-Westerns - 241
-Vaqueros - 236
-Classics - 731
-Clasicos - 627
-Sports Events - 145
-Adults - 1371
-Uncategoies - 211 (foreign movies)
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Cool Beans :)

And ... I saw there were another 250 (+/-) more additions to the 4K category since yesterday.

- Movies 4K - 647
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I watch only 45 gig to 120 gig movies still lots great sites to go to. But i use my buzz box to watch all great 4k stuff too with dolby atmos thats must for me .