so if your willing to spend NEW money for another login a member can be watching tonight but if your trying to get existing logins to work it's touch and go with the usual lack of information and support. You guys cannot maintain what you have, the service is so poor i watch free iptv more. thats not a slam its factual reality.<br>i spent 150$ for 2 donations.......1 is a back up. doesnt matter tho does it? Between the code changes, security additions and spotty login success i have never seen a service shoot itself in the foot so many times using so many excuses. the service is oversold as it is using shoddy modified add on code with bare minimum required hardware - we get exactly what we are supposed to under the circumstances but the service is not represented honestly which is why you can still see 'freeze free" references. There is more time spent dodging questions than answering them, if members didnt help you guys would have never grown and integrated iptv on a permanent basis. Before anybody gets bent out of shape im not lying and im certainly not giving anyone in particular any crap, im calling it exactly how i see it after 10 months of poor service. It does no good running around telling people to start their own threads and holdback help because one of your "rules" or procedures or protocols isnt followed to your liking........many of us are only here because your service is crap and we have been forced here as we try and scope thru stacks of useless threads [ admin is well aware of many technical issues but have no standard by which to be held ] hoping to locate the post that explains what down time you have caused me now and what do i have add, subtract or change to get back up until you do it again. this loop is easy to get out of........people should post you tube videos as to their experience to affect your money like you have ours. i have countless posts over hundreds of threads at youtube honestly explaining what to expect from nfps and most of the time those threads become pile on threads. you may have sold many logins but your renew rate and new members are slowing for sure regardless of what is said in reply, thats business 101 and you get the same result as service suffers along with a higher cancel rate with more going to monthly purchases or replacing you with add ons and other iptv services that actually cap users to preserve the integrity of said service.<br>why service 10,000 half assed and poorly when you can do 5k that way it should be?. greed<br>the code written for stalker is written in a bubble and cannot possibly be universal so your results and errors all over the place, you can't write it all off as user error. smart folks know better, coders are chuckling and hackers are gearing up to attack the individual channels with just enough traffic to insure nobody gets to enjoy anything mainstream. you cannot provide freeze free service. you cannot provide consistent poor service yet it was so important to add security to keep people from using spoofed mac's...........while you in turn steal and redistribute the signal in the first place. now that is both rich and ironic.<br>i hate gripes without solutions so keep in mind you can buy logins for services like sling tv, ustv now, netflix, directv online, dishnetwork and ufc for less than 10$. they average 90 days and never have more than an occasional hiccup if that. these are professionals using the correct equipment and bandwidth to deliver a service rather than look at us as donations wonder you guys are not motivated to change anything......why accommadate donations? ...the term itself begs for the title optional. this service is a major disappointment and that is 10 months of frustration finally getting directed where it should be. Did the staff here EVER believe users think iks66 and rocket are really seperate in either iks or iptv? when the same channels are freezing and the same channels are down while the same channels are up - anyone with a login for 2 of 3 the service providers can tell beyond a shadow of a doubt its 1 provider servicing all other sites thus all other users so why be ambiguous about technical issues and tidbits? an effort to keep the appearance there is something to be gained from another provider or that the user actually has a choice when neither is remotely true. insulting ones intelligence is un made jaguar for awhile but they didnt advertise that fact because it took away from the branding, you guys would be much better off being transparent and working with your members instead of treating this like a basic revenue stream.....there is still some hobby to be enjoyed but you have eliminated that here, made it a business and fail to provide good service.