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  1. V

    tv box t95z channel list loading

    hello every one i have a question concerning the channel list for my tvbox t95z plus. i have downloaded the stbemu and channel list. but i cannot seem to able to load the channel list on the box. i have tried everything i can think of but no luck. any help would be appriciated. thank you.
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    Rocket Banned Mac address

    Sorry if this has been asked before but I can't find an answer. I renewed my donnation and my mag was working fine before then. I don't know why it's says the mac addres is banned. Any help would be appreciated. Since I wrote to the people and they haven't answered me after a few days.
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    Hi everyone..newbie here..trying to learn all I can..thanks in advance to everyone who has helped create this forum and those have contributed as well.. cheers..:)