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    Rocket Playlist Download

    I was trying to download the m3u playlist shown in the Rocket Checker. I was able to get it to work once about a month ago but not since. I keep getting "Web Server is Down"
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    Rocket Playlist Download

    I have been trying to download my playlist (generic m3u with options) which I believe is compatible with the Shield. It worked once many weeks ago and since then I keep getting web server is down. Any other way to get the playlist?
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    Tivimate on Shield,,No VOD

    I have the Shield working almost 100% with Tivimate but I do not see a section for VOD. Is there another file/network location I am missing? TIA.
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    VOD / INFO TiviMate Setup with Rocket

    I have Tivimate Premium on a Shield with Rocket. I cannot get the EPG to populate.
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    Rocket Rocket EPG with Tivimate?

    I am using a Shield with Tivimate. I am getting the channels but the EPG is not populating. Is there a guide for the Tivimate use with Rocket on a Shield. I apologize if I missed this info in another post.
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    Rocket 5.1 Surround Question

    Does Rocket have 5.1 digital audio? I have a Formuler Z7+ and can only get matrix surround. Do I need a receiver upgrade? Thank you for reading.
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    Rocket Service is Pretty Much Unwatchable Especially in the Evening.

    Making some progress. Still have the 10-20min outages where the TV channels(except for the WX Channel) stop working. In addition but not a fault of the service, I was also experiencing many drops per hour. That seems to have been caused by a non-compatible WI-FI adapter. The non-compatible...
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    Rocket Service is Pretty Much Unwatchable Especially in the Evening.

    Was just watching the Peach Bowl on ESPN SD, not HD and the screen went black and the dreaded loading circle showed Up. Now the only channel that works is The Weather Channel. If it goes as usual, in about 20 -30 minutes the channels will start coming back. This morning most channels were...
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    Rocket Service is Pretty Much Unwatchable Especially in the Evening.

    Did factory reset and still have same issues. Another note, I have a Fire TV on the same wireless network in the same physical location as the Formuler and it works flawlessly on Netflix,,,etc. I am wondering if the MyTVOnline app in the Formuler z7+ is a problem?
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    Rocket Service is Pretty Much Unwatchable Especially in the Evening.

    I am trying factory reset. The only TV channel that is working is The Weather Channel. The others (TNT, A&E, Fox News, HGTV, Science) do not work. Movies do work, However they will occasionally stop and I have to restart them from the beginning.
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    Rocket Service is Pretty Much Unwatchable Especially in the Evening.

    Thank you for all the replies. Right now I am watching National Geographic channel 9186 with no issues. When I try to watch A&E 9118 or Science 9193 they either will not start or are unwatchable.
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    Rocket Service is Pretty Much Unwatchable Especially in the Evening.

    I have a Formuler z7+. I am using wireless internet. When I connect on the wireless page it shows good signal and 75mbs. TV Video is set to 720P Problem:I have many instances of the picture dropping and the circle spinning in the middle of the screen. Before the connection is blamed, I can...
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    Rocket What is happening with the Service???

    I am not sure to whether I should feel happy or sad to hear that I am not the only one with a lot of freezing problems. Any resolution in the future?
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    Rocket Help with EPG and Time zone

    Tried different time zone settings on the Formuler Z7+ and it does not fix the problem. Not too long ago the guide was only 1hr off and now it is 4hrs off.
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    Connect and Play Movies from Network Shared Drive

    Is there a way to connect to a local network shared drive to play movies from it? I am looking to play MPEG, MKV files or mount and play a Blu-Ray ISO? Thank you.
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    Rocket Guide Time 1 Hour Off

    I posted in another forum with no response. Any input on how to fix the guide being 1 hour off. Any ideas? Mag254 and Formuler Z7+ with Rocket service. Thank you.
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    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Guide 1 hour off I did a search with no success on how to fix the guide being 1 hour off. Any ideas? Mag254 and Formuler z7+ Thank you.
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    Upgrading From Mag254

    I have had a MAG254 for a few years but I rarely use it because of choppy video and lack of Dolby Surround. I have a 4K TV and a surround system that all the HDMI cables from the various sources connect to. Can I find answers to a few questions? All Video/Audio connections are HDMI. 1: Will...