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    Otas 2022078

    Hi is the V20220718 is the last update for the 4900xrs buzz. If so where can I down load the file.
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    last update

    hi i have a buzz 4900xrs, whats the lates firmeware for this box ,thankjs
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    NFPS / Private cautch up tv

    hi i like to know if you all support cautch up tv? thanks.
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    web tv

    hi am runnig,the stb emulator on my avov vixo2,box, how do i acces the stb ,settin, to change the player. is there away to install the update kodi,17.1.on this box.thanks for any help.
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    STB emul..

    hi i cant fine the stb,emulator in the micky shop,on the avov vixo2.anymore. how can i get it bact to install it.thanks.
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    line under the avov logo keep running

    hy the avov vixo2 box is not booting up. when i plug in the box,the line under the avov logo just keep runing, notting else hapen. i try reset it but noting hapen,can some one help me with some adsvice.thanks.
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    no blue light .when power on box

    hi i am not geting the blue light that,i useto get when i power on my vixo2. even do the box is working,fine. with out the light in front, thanks for any help.
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    NFPS / Private WWE ppv tonight

    Hi where can I get the WWE ppv tonight. What channel, are On kodi how? Thanks
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    No channel list on STB emulator

    I got a minix neo1 the channel list is not showing up when I press the OK button, If I go to setting,n, OK exit ,n, back in, all the channel show up,
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    Numbers on remote control Nimitz neo1

    Hi how can I get to use the junkers on the the small remote, are on the air mouse when am in the STB,emulator. Just can't get no number, can't change the channel by number, thanks for any help.
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    "following fields filled in incorrectly Portal 1 url

    hi everytime I try to change my URL. I keep getting this massege "following fields filled in incorrectly Portal 1 url". any idia on how to ffix thia thanks.
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    no picture,only sound, onyoutube.

    hy I cant get non of youtube video play ,only sound. but no picture, am using avov vioxy2, pleas for som help
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    change donation on a mac adress that is using

    hi i have a mag254 i cant find the donatio number, is there any way i can eliminate the old number i us ,a ,new donation.. i try but keep sayin mac adress already in use, how can i do to start from scrap. thank for any help.
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    no yellow bar, only blue bar running

    hi i have 3 andriod boxes, i enter the donation,numbers, it all when in well , but after i try to logback in and only gethin yhe blue bar loading ,but it dont pass from ther. can some one please help me.thanks.
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    plexbmc error failed

    Hi am trying to setup plexbmc on kodi,15.2 Everytime,I launch the add on I get 2 file my plex queue,n , refresh data,nothing else's happen ,
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    plexbmc setup

    hi I need help to setup plexbmc. every time I stars it I get error check log. is there a gide on how to do this,thanks for any help.
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    cloud tv

    hi I got a android tv box am missing cloud tv.I try to download iy\t from, google store, but cant fine it. is there any oder way I can get this app.
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    channels not showing up

    Hi when I go to open st emulator and select all I only see some channels show up . In the channel list,
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    m8s not opwerin up

    hy I have a m8s, I tuplug it for about 2 weeks , I plug it back in yesterday but only getting res light in front, no blue light when I turn on the power, I try the reset button but no go, need some help.thanks.
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    nba streaming games

    hy I have a avov vixo2 where can I stream some nba game? thanks