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  1. J

    New Route or Renew

    Guys, I have a mag254. I renew by october 2018 but apparently payment didnt went througt. In January this year the order was cancelled due to payment. Should I buy a new route? because dont let me renew.
  2. J

    STB Blocked

    Just wondering if any changes being made to the NTP Server or Portal URL. I tried everything and nothing works. I need some help.
  3. J

    IPTV66 Channels down.

    Most channels are down from 300 up, 825 and up. Did anyone know why?
  4. J

    IPTV66 Wondering about renew

    Hello guys, I bought a mag254 a few years ago and was plug and play. Service through iks66, but I had to donate somebody else and they made the donation to iks66. I didn't like that method so i decided stop service. Can I do it in my own now? Mean like do straight donations to iks66 avoiding...