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  1. T

    Guess I'm an Idiot...HELP

    I bought a brand-new shiny MAG524w3 thinking it would work with IP66. NOPE, it does not have the middleware stalker..... Can anybody tell me which mag boxes have stalker??? The Infomir website does not make it clear... thanks for the help...
  2. T

    Help with Kokaleka or OTT Navagator

    Can I please get some help from the smart people on this forum. I'm certainly not as savvy as most of you here I'm sorry to say I have a IKS 66 donation and I'm trying to get it to work on an Android TV box. My box is what they call a TV box T9 it's got 32 GB of memory. Android ver.9 I had...
  3. T

    Thanks for the quick recovery

    I want to thank IKS66 for many years of great service. I want to thank IKS66 for informing me and your users that you were having some server issues lately. you did say it would be worked out in a few days... I am happy to report it is worked out on my end and I am once again able to...