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  1. D

    MYTVOnline v1.9.32 Patch Notes - Beta

    Notes. Formuler Z - latest beta is live. MYTVOnline v1.9.32 Patch Notes XC Portal > Fixed VOD loading issue XC Portal > Fixed Live TV and loading issues XC Portal > Added xmltv EPG feature M3U > Fixed VOD crashing issue M3U > Added xmltv EPG feature VOD > Improved appearance of subtitles. White...
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    Update on Dreamlink Dlite

    Well, I know betas dont get pushed to Dlite, but heard rumours of official update next day or so. So went in settings - typed 0227 (enable test mode, what people use for betas on other models) and an update pushed. Now has an M3U slot but no option for epg url in that and no xtream-api...
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    Modded Netflix app for HD?

    Hi, Buzz TV has L1 Widevine, which I think is what is needed for HD playback on apps like Netflix and Amazon Prime. If there any patched apps of Netflix and Prime to allow this? Not checked, but used be patched apps for MiniX which allowed it. So just curious, as not much info about for Buzz...
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    Missing Codecs / sluggish / poor performance on certain media

    Right, got a buzz tv xp3000, mainly to see the hype around the Buzz TV 2 app, which is fine. certain things has some sort of weird slowness, also some other apps seems not ideal, installed one app and some codecs missing. (like not powerful enough for certain things), Kodi also for own media...
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    STB EMU on device named ZGEMMA i55

    Used STB Emu on nvidia shield and really like it, runs well. However I have seen some vids of ZGEMMA i55 running a mag interface and wondering if its an emulator. If so, please can you point me in right direction for installation files and instructions. Thank you.