Search results

  1. S

    NFPS / Private best choice for less buffering - 500 dn or 35 down with vpn?

    big mac have tried servers closer to me like los angeles, san jose, even seattle and phoenix out of curiosity found of all things bulgaria was the fastest using 4900 but it says portal prohibited. usually uk, denmark, and others come in around the same 4Me2C mostly desktop and one notebook...
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    NFPS / Private best choice for less buffering - 500 dn or 35 down with vpn?

    just curious gigabyte modem and decent router I have 950 down with ookla on desktop using wireless two notebooks have around 500 down on wireless buzz 4900 hard wired gets closer to 450 down and drops to 30 to 40 using ipvanish most of the time so the question is: which is better vpn at slow...
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    mac address to m2u help

    deleted mac address and got m3u address but it said unauthorized when i got done entering the info is there any way to copy the info from a desktop computer and get it into buzz 4900 and paste it thinking one little mistake and it would not work but can't figure out how to copy and paste from...
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    vinstall vlc as vod media player?

    wondering how to use vlc on vod see the external media player option in the menu + hoping it will work thanks
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    NFPS / Private nord 4900..

    ipvanish installed on the 4900 and working great thanks for the help
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    NFPS / Private nord 4900..

    thanks for the help nord is weird indeed. win 10 working great. win 11 will always quick connect to los angeles but foreign countries sometimes yes other times no. was going to change nord dns settings but the screen on buzz tv doesn't show the settings button not able to make screen size...
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    NFPS / Private nord 4900..

    could use a little help: went to all apps and found nord vpn and did a quick login to los angeles so its the same country hit home button and clicked on live tv which goes to my only server (nfps) message came up that I had incorrect name or password turned off nord and restarted buzz with no...
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    ppv trouble with buzz 5 not working

    is there a way to watch ppv that works is the question. seems like every time I clear the cache first and try to watch ppv I get the error msg that buzz 5 quit working. also a second question: for ppv is there a pause/ play option or fast forward anywhere? thanks
  9. S

    Buzz 5 quit working

    Buzz 5 quit working message on screen quit program or wait only option seen trouble is that the movie was playing without any trouble with video or audio and could not close the message bar which takes a large amount of space just seems wrong the message appear at all since I could not see any...
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    buffer speed?

    just curious what buffer speed is mostly used on buzzz 4900 have decent download speeds over 150 down gigabyte modem good router wired connection bluerigger cat 6 have tried using nord vpn with no difference that I noticed running iptv66 at the moment still feel there must be something else to try
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    Rocket Painful as a Dentist..

    chase debit used to buy btc using coinbase worked two weeks ago.
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    IPTV66 paying iptv66 with coinbase?

    payment sent with no problem coinbase simply adds a small fee to your total thanks guys
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    IPTV66 paying iptv66 with coinbase?

    thanks again I have it figured out now and will allow extra for the transfer fee.
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    IPTV66 paying iptv66 with coinbase?

    Thanks for the reply Joker. In my first post that is a scientific number that needs to be converted to decimel. Over my head heheh. Got bitcoin cash figured out and was sending and found out I didn't own bitcoin cash I owed bitcoin. My plan is to send btc (bitcoin) and not bch (bitcoin cash)...
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    IPTV66 paying iptv66 with coinbase?

    thanks ryu I found where to click on bitcoin cash (bch) and everything was going ok untill I entered the amount. 0.01003848 bch is what I was given and it translates to usd shows 6 dollars but: when I copy that and it always goes to 0.0103848 bch whic h is missing a 0 the new number shows it...
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    IPTV66 paying iptv66 with coinbase?

    went to site got bitcoin amout copied it it ended in e-5 not sure of the amount now 9.xxxe-5 the amount enter in bitcoin did not have an e-5 and was 600,000 when i clicked on usd. anyway I tried but maybe if they had sent me a dollar amount I could have ordered it I realize it is my not...
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    IPTV66 Credits dissapeared

    same problem here
  18. S

    IPTV66 Credits dissapeared

    very interesting post of what is probably my problem. Subscription expired or not activated. thanks for the post. couldn't do reset said info not valid
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    IPTV66 12 Month route stop working in 2 months

    mine says subscription expired or not activated went to check date on website and got a maintenance msg clear to me the server is down for a while and we need to wait till it is back up this can happen when you have all your eggs in one basket nice to have a backup server or two
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    mac address change

    fyi: changing a mac address on one server doesn't change it on other servers. I have iptv66 that needed changed because a reseller was involved before ordering it on this site again. Asked for help getting it activated and listened to Crazed and changed the mac and got it up and running. I...