Search results

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    Rocket channels down

    Channel New ASIA (CNA) : NHK World : France 24 : Euronews : all have been down for months my side.
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    Rocket Server 403

    No staff at Papiao can help with this issue? Kodi 19.3 / 19.4 and PVR IPTVsimple 19.1 / 19.2 are not working on rocket server given from the rocket checker. Liea 18.7 / 18.9 are working.
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    Rocket Server 403

    AK-47 thanks I get STB not supported. I run Raspberry Pi 4 with Kodi 19.4 and pvr-itpvsimple 19.1.0 tried the URL from the checker no luck, same donation same URL in Kodi 18.7 works as a charm. Am I the only one running this setup? I wish someone can simulate this setup and get back to me. The...
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    Rocket Server 403

    No I am not.
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    Rocket Server 403

    I am trying Stalker 19.0.2 hxxp:// Kodi log shows "fail to open" is this correct I got this URL from the Donation Checker.
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    Rocket Log file show http 404 error for my Portal

    Ryu thanks; no typo, at all, input the info via the GUI in PVR-IPTVsimple, double checked the setting.xml; but still showing the error in the log that the URL is bad. Anyone know the format to not sure what to input after html?
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    Rocket Log file show http 404 error for my Portal

    I got the URL from my papiao rocket checker and loaded it into settings.xml, on a fresh Debian Bullseye Kodi 19.4 installed. PVR-IPTVSimple URL error in the log file. Usingl] as given by the Generic M3U with options. Using raspberry PI 3 and 4 same. Would appreciate and help moving forward.
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    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    Please bring back CNA ( Channel News ASIA )
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    VOD / INFO Channel Request

    Will like to ask for Caribbean Islands Channels please. i.e Curacao : Aruba : Barbados: Grenada : Trinidad & Tobago : Jamaica : St. Lucia
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    NFPS / Private Adult channels

    Chasing, How many channels are you getting? and are you running Krypton 8.XX
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    Rocket Failed to get streaming url

    I truly need all the help I can get here. I have setup numerous boxes on rocket around the world, trying to get it going a JB iPad from the pass two days. Download Kodi from Cydia, installed that, when to grab the .deb loaded it into iFile install Javis 16.1. Stopped one of my box with...
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    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    Any chance of pulling channels from the Pacific Islands; and more from the Caribbean region. TV from the Asian continent is lacking.
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    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    Any chance to get CNA ( Channel News Asia).
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    Rocket PPVs channels using PVR Stalker Client

    Are the PPVs channels working? Running Linux on i828, using PVR Stalker Client 0.83. All 919 channels loaded, and most, if not all are working, however, the PPVs all loading but not showing when selected. Is this me, or everyone as well? Tried on M8 box same as above.
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    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Any chance of seeing OWN : New York : Atlanta and LA Networks channels added. Also will love some Aussie and Kiwi Channels as well
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    Rocket "" now works

    Can you say what is the url to get epg using Rocket thanks..
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    NFPS / Private The End of IPTV Free Trial

    Rumor about town, is Charlie & Bev will switch to Nagar4 Encryption in Dec 2015; will NFPS still work then? I reckon if this rumor is true, we will be down of sometime to come, thereafter. If possible, monthly donation would be best road to walk on.
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    Hi everyone I am node.