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  1. Z

    T1 Plus System Firmware Update - v2.4.15

    Just rebooted my T1 plus and then it asked to update system software to v2.4.15 with build date of 2017.04.24 no idea at the present moment what it does but it's available, which makes me think DOL will be updated shortly. Just thought I'd pass it on
  2. Z

    FTMC Releases

    FTMC Build 26 - Allows you to have different Kodi Forks installed at the same time Contains the following fixes: [FIX] speedup thumb loading Updated some of the default addons! [Fix] Disabled by default some RKCodec specific...
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    Dreamlink T1 Plus - DOL v1.09.08

    Dream Online Current Version: v1.09.08-r448
  4. Z

    NFPS / Private Nfps port

    p2 worked this morning during my tests today with Dreamlink T1
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    NFPS / Private new URL for iptvprivateserver

    Portal 3 has officially been redirected to P1 now.
  6. Z

    NFPS / Private NFPS Announcement regarding freezing

    I was 1 minute to late ha ha. Just passing along what I saw ;).