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  1. G

    IPTV66 Connection issues posted my donation number and mac address...which i think a mod deleted it...i had been on it since saturday...cant imvest anymore and family..
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    IPTV66 Connection issues

    No demands dara...not in any way shape or a helper in a other site for similiar services like here. i thanked crazed 2.0 for his help cause ive been in his shoes before and yes we dont get pay to help. i very familiar with stalker and iptv and iks...specially iks...i just cant for the...
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    IPTV66 Connection issues

    Hello everyone Just recently purchased a donation for $9.00 Saturday.Decided to go with this provider because of the channel line that im familiar with. After much struggle i find it very nerve wrecking that a simple mac,username and password ,server address don't suffice with the way 66iptv...
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    Pvr stalker...

    I recently received my information about my donation and inputted it in pvrstalker middleware..original with kodi...i keep getting authentication failure... 1. how can i give someone my mac address to link if that is the issue and if not 2.Why cant i log in. i had a previous service and i was...
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    Hello all ..although new in this forums,not new to this hobby. gamenerd just like my tag and hope to learn enough of kodi,ipstalker,and such and also post very good tuts so people will not have to depend on posting and waiting for reply... like me now.