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  1. C

    All About Your Account ("Donation & MAC" versus "Donation Only")

    All About Your Account ("Donation & MAC" versus "Donation Only") I posted this info a month ago and the Mod (Dara) has already mentioned it on the bottom of my official page Instead of...
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    NFPS / Private P2 fixes the P1 's freezing issue

    Thanks for the info mate :) I confirm "the normal man" told the truth ;) HBO East @ - freezing twice @0:40 & @1:17 HBO East @ - smooth & no freezing...
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    Potato Invasion (PVR Simple Client + PotatoTV addon)

    King of Clown : couch potato Commander-in-chief : 1sikguy Ministry of Defence : stoner420 Headquarters : Tutorial Readings by: kens...
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    couch potato Repository

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    couch potato Repository

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    VOD / INFO Scheduled Maintenance

    I've just a read a good news from our sister site (iptvzeta): Staff Edited... Copied into Announcement forum
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    NFPS / Private An Extra Week Compensation

    I've just a read a good news from our sister site (iptvzeta): let's hope this info is legit
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    POTATO TV (IPTV Stalker addon)

    Potato TV As the picture says, this is my new addon used as a client for the PAPIAO 's IPTV STALKER For now, the addon supports the latest available IPTV portals : And it also suports 2 type of user...
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    IPTV66 Authentication Error and Route says up and running

    hahaha... my guess is right with your background, I'm sure you know what to do to get rid the issue well... it's almost 2 am here... I need some sleep see you tomorrow
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    IPTV66 Authentication Error and Route says up and running

    i also have iptv66 acc. and I can confirm that there's nothing wrong with their service all channels can be played well... ofc with few hiccups but it's still tolerable :p so maybe your IP is the problem itself I've also build a simple tool to check if your IP is ok or get banned but I...
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    IPTV66 Authentication Error and Route says up and running

    which screenshots? fyi, the iptv stalker addon is only used as: 1.a gateway to validate your acc. if passed, then the addon will automatically put all related data into stalker-pvr settings 2. an active epg web-server so you can always get an auto-update epg each time you start the pvr-client
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    IPTV66 Authentication Error and Route says up and running

    @cwh060 if you're not a rocket-22 user you should use stalker pvr (built-in/nfps) instead of the IPTV Simple client and I also suggest you to try my latest build (v10.3.4-r2) and follow all the steps I wrote you will get the color-epg with auto-update
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    Rocket ROcket server 22

    @Boy-Oh-Boy I do understand the problem you are dealing with let's hope all the rocket-22 users will get a win-win solution soon @jony604 I don't use any updater addon except my own build (iptv stalker plus v10.3.4-r2) + pvr-clients (iptv simple & stalker built-in)...
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    Rocket ROcket server 22

    with little tweaks (thanks to centuri @ forum.kodi) we can also have a modded color EPG within the PVR IPTV Simple Client style: solid colors (ugly :D) style: transparent colors (cool :cool:) reference:
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    Rocket ROcket server 22

    I'm just a regular member like you are & I don't have any authority right to access any internal resources so I'm afraid I can't help more here Especially for the MAG, I'm not sure if they're willing to open their source (which is delivered as a hardcoded one) in order to secure of their...
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    Rocket ROcket server 22

    thanks I've done some tests and it's confirmed that the rocket-22 server refers to an unknown different hashcode method to validate its token at the handshaking step (curl's arg. = "action=do_auth") with the current hashcode method, all accounts (incl. the valid ones) will get the bad result...
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    Rocket ROcket server 22

    wow!!! are you serious??? thanks man for your trust... I will do the investigation as soon as I get the acc :)
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    Rocket ROcket server 22

    it's weird if the direct-url trick doesn't work either if the rocket-11 works and the rocket-22 does not, maybe (just a wild guess) the rocket-22 generate its token by using a different hashcode method we can figure it out by sniffing the data flow is there anyone willing to lend me his...
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    Rocket ROcket server 22

    an interesting topic I have neither any mag box nor a rocket-22 acc, so I don't know if this trick will work or not lol instead of "", have you tried to put the direct-url into the PORTAL-URL input box?