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  1. E

    NFPS / Private Cannot change Portals! Only p2 available

    Ya, now just try to get back to P1................. All the family that is on p2 is having problems. Good luck!
  2. E

    NFPS / Private Cannot change server numbers

    I am seeing that the donations that are on p2 are locked there. There is no option to change them to p1. These are the subscriptions that seem to be having troubles. Please NFPS repair or unlock.
  3. E

    NFPS / Private Papiao TV reset

    Try again, came up for me just now.
  4. E

    NFPS / Private Are we down... I am

    Have 4 subs and the ones on p2 are down p1 working just fine. Cannot reset the p2s and do not want to mess with the working ones :)
  5. E

    NFPS / Private Papiao TV reset

    Interesting that my 2 p1 subs are working fine but the 2 that are on p2 are dead and will not reset and I cannot change them to p1 hmm????
  6. E

    NFPS / Private Playlist

    I had looked but...... I did find it today. Thank you for the help.
  7. E

    NFPS / Private Playlist

    What is this?? Sorry but playlist option is not available for those using MAC Address authentication. Maybe I missed it somewhere here.:)
  8. E

    NFPS / Private Guide issues (Server 4, Avov)

    I have watched it come and go. Just hang in there. Just nice when the channels work.
  9. E

    NFPS / Private IPTV Service features

    That would be good. Have had great results with the little quad core windows machine running at 2.1 ghz. No confusion just click and go. :) Hate to change......
  10. E

    NFPS / Private IPTV Service features

    Been using stalker with kodi under windows have several donations. Would like to stay with MY equipment. I have read and reread the first post. Would I be able to use my windows box's mac-id?
  11. E

    Rocket west coast

    Chiming in, west coast again please. :cool: