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  1. F

    IPTV66 stb blocked

    thank you for all u help!!
  2. F

    IPTV66 stb blocked

    ok so i tried this and it finally workin thanks chum!!
  3. F

    IPTV66 stb blocked

    i don't know how to get to profile on screen there r 3 colour red reload,yellow acc info,blue payment
  4. F

    IPTV66 stb blocked

    mag 254 it has last update from last month
  5. F

    IPTV66 stb blocked

    i've renewed now it says stb blocked contact provider,i didn't change anything in setting?? the yellow bar don't show up at all??
  6. F

    IPTV66 iks66 deskey where do i find it

    i go to site the email i got they do not have the des key looked on this site for awhile now can someone please help? i have new rec and i can't get des key off ole 1 its dead