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    Dreamlink T1 Plus Recording Features

    Hi as i am testing T1 Plus from last 2 days but couldn't figure out how to schedule recording. As per the specs "TRUE PVR FEATURES AS TIMESHIFTING, INSTANT RECORDING, AND RESERVED RECORDING". All I can do ATM is to record live programs. Am I missing something ? or these features are not in...
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    Dreamlink T1 Stuck on T1 boot Screen

    I have a problem where my Dreamlink T1 is stuck on the boot screen T1 and not going beyond while green and red light is flashing on the box. I was checking and couldn't find reset button behind or under the box. Could any one please help, how to get to the factory reset option screen. Thanks
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    DOL 1.08.05 Update Problem

    I am having problems with new DOL 1.08.05 update. I bought a brand new second box and 1.08.05 was the only update available in the market. Its giving me an error that "Please check your internet connection and service URL". I am connected to internet as i can download APPs from market and watch...
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    IPTV66 iks66 website functions

    I have 3 donations for IKS66 attached to a 1 order number. Its showing same MAC address on all 3 donations. Could any one help me please, what should i do ?
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    NFPS / Private Unwatchable Streams Due to New Encoding (Poll)

    I have 2 different boxes M8S and MXIII both running Emulator 7.0.4 and yes after the new encoding picture quality is very choppy. I have even tried external players like Vlc, Mx player but no luck.
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    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    I would like to see CP24 and YTV
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    NFPS / Private Banned ip address

    Its working fine now. There must be some thing to do with Servers down on the NFPS side. Thanks for your help though.
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    NFPS / Private Banned ip address

    Hi SbdHulk ! I am having exact same issue. I have 3 devices with 3 donation. STB is not loading. I thought my IP is banned. I used hotspot from my phone and it loads up. I took it to my friends house and it load up. But at my home no matter if i use wifi or ethernet no progress. Please let me...
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    STB Emulator Not Loading since Yesterday

    Hi i am using STB Emulator on the android tv box. Its not loading since yesterday on my WIFI/Ethernet. But if i use hotspot from my phone then it loads. Could any one please help me. Sorry I am new so please guide me if i am posting on a wrong place.