If your bank gives you the option to send E-Transfers there are some Canadian companies that accept them. I am using one that works like a charm and not that difficult to get checked out. My banks do not allow the use of a debit card.
A friend and myself have been working on this for a while and have found out that usually the 8GB eMMC chip goes bad and there is a 4 k resistor on the D0 line that goes high. So we still have two that need a new chip and then we will see if we can make them work. I wonder if anyone has a link...
I am running a Formuler 7z+ and it appears that the UDP packets are being either dropped or lost. If I remember right channel 227 did not do that. Guess i will just have to put u with it until I get back home.
I am visiting in Houston Texas and there is AT&T fiber in here and I am seeing a lot of freezing where I am from in Canada I don't see this. I am assuming that AT&T have a network issue somewhere.
I just installed a new z7+ and have it working great except that the channel numbers are not what the provider sends. They start at 2 and go up. As an example Encore Westerns should be channel 342 but it is 212. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.