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  1. R

    what kind of authentication i sbeing used for the IPTV streams?

    I've been looking around and cant seem to find anything so i am starting a new thread. Does anyone know if the streams are http or https and if the latter, what type its using?
  2. R

    NFPS / Private How has the service been?

    [Poll] How has the service been? Hello All, I was a early beta user with kodi and I found the service was very good but the flickering and buffering was enough for me to sit and wait a few months to see how things settled. Since its been some time I wanted to do a quick poll for those using...
  3. R

    NFPS / Private Channel List (With Resolution)

    i have a few questions about the res and audio quality for the ch's (specifically when we go live on the 15th) Q: Most of the ch's are SD. will this ever change to support HD for Most of BEV/Charlie? Q: From spot checking, all ch's i have found are 2.0. will we every get any 5.1+?
  4. R

    Will Kodi (Stalker Client) have the VOD Movies available

    Currently i don't see the VOD Movie option with Kodi and need to know if this will work or if i have to get a Mag254?