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  1. G

    Recording stop itself after 3hours?

    Hello; I tried lately to record something that was 3 hrs and 30 minutes long by manually adjusting the EPG timer when the recording had started but each time I tried the Z7+ stop recording after 3 hours and then turn itself off...You can put easily like 5,6 hours of straight recordings manually...
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    Start of recording always affect video stability...

    Hello; I saw that when a recording session starts, it always makes the picture moves a little bit and sometimes it get worse and I can't watch that stream anymore since it goes unwatchable depending on the providers. Have you heard of that kind of problem because recording would be fine if it...
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    Can't connect to DOL or DOL2 ?

    Hello; Just tried to open DOL or DOL2 to connect to my IPTV subscriptions but i get "OTP ERROR" and nothing happens and get back to opening menu.... I'd like to know if it's just me or everybody else also can't connect to Dreamlink T1 Plus wih DOL or DOL2... THANKS FOE YOUR HELP...:confused:
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    Recordings have some "slow motion" parts on video playback...

    Hello friends; When I playback a recording session I noticed that on many if not all recordings, there is always a kind of slow-motion part on video (for about 10 seconds)and then it goes back to regular playback speed. I tried several channels on recordings and pretty much find that "slow...
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    Can FTA with IPTV PVR ird be subscribe to NFPPS,IKS66 or ROCKET and does PVR work

    Hi Do you guys know if the FTA,IKS IPTV with PVR function on IPTV channel and if so can they be subscribe by donation, i know that PVR works with FTS & IKS but not sure about PVR and IPTV together. I'll give you an example of what kind of receiver i'm talking, like ''MEGA TVi SHD3000 HD FTA...
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    No Audio Settings on AVOV TVOnline box / can't adjust to Bitstream for AC3/DTS ...

    Hi everyone; Ok i have a Avov tv online and a Mag 254 box and i'm subscribing to about every private server i can find and love it . I notice that Avov box has more features than Mag 254 since i began to play with both tv box and for some servers i have a private service for the same server on...
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    Rocket Got msg ''mac address already exist'' trying to sub (donation) with rocket server

    Hello friends; Tried to subscribe to ROCKET PRIVATE SERVER with my AVOV TV ONLINE box which is already sunscribe to NFPS PRIVATE SERVER to test and compare stability but when i tried to enter MAC address got message ''MAC ADDRESS ALREDY EXIST''. I thought NFPS and ROCKET were 2 separate...
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    Can i subscribe to iptv rocket server with my new Avov TV online box...

    I would like to test/buy a donation for the new ROCKET server but is my Avov tv online box compatible... I'm not sure and i also have a MAG254 so can i buy a donation for both to try it... Thank you for your time:) Newbie in the IPTV world but loving it!!!!!
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    NFPS / Private Assign Donations>"donation client" What do i type for this box?

    Hello; Just saw on the bottom of VISINE thread ADD MLB Extra Innings package NFL Sunday Ticket package, is it just a wish or if indeed it will be added. Would be so incredible, would gladly pay amore just for these two along... Thank you
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    NFPS / Private How do i register to pay a donation for NFPS and is it now officailly Private...

    Hello friends; I can see there is a box for donation but can't find where to register to pay donation for a AVOV TV box that i just bought and would like to try NFPS private server services with it , thank you for your time... guygoy:)
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    NFPS / Private Nfps + avov = 5% off in the box.

    Hello Guys, first time posting here, i have a mag 254 with anoyher private IPTV provider but not many channels as i thought and a lot of freezing and i did try almost any different kind of settings and i have a 4.5 MBps internet speed so that is not the problem. Ok anyway i'm very interested in...