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  1. S

    mode not supported

    hi all have a big problem rebooted my mag254 when powered bag mode not supported and cannot get any were PLEASE some help thank you all giovanni
  2. S

    no apg no sound

    hi al need hep please i have a mag254 the past few weeks had no epg my friend same provider ok taday have no sound chact audio ok not x thanks
  3. S

    mag254 no signal

    hi need some help from you guys my problem is that my mag254 stops working and says no signal but the lite is on on the box i have to unplug power in back and plug back again real pain specially when watching a movie any help appreciated regard and thank you all
  4. S

    mag254 no signal

    sorry double post dont know how to cancel
  5. S


    hi new in this forum hope i learn and hello to all