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    VOD / INFO VOD down

    hi guys its VOD down or is in my side after 4 day dont work thank
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    NFPS / Private vod down

    hi guys is VOD down or is on my side
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    Rocket Freezing

    hard wired all channels frizzing i used MXQ pro .stb emulator
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    Rocket vod

    hi guys what happen whit vod channels are down or is on may side thank
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    Rocket Freezing

    for me all freezing
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    Rocket Freezing

    i have the same problem, vod no work after a while there is no explanation for this problem
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    Rocket many channel black

    hi guy this morning many channels are black ,Spanish frizzing, the 300 channel must channels black, is on my side or something wrong in the system? thank
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    MXq pro tv box

    hi guys i need help. for put my donation in this box any help is welcome thank
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    Rocket freeze

    hi guy i have most 300 movie channels freezing i use a avov tv on line box thank for any help
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    Rocket freezing

    hi guys sorry but i report may channels freezing all hbo starz any movie is watchable 892 etc thank
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    Rocket down

    hi guy we are down or is on my side?thank
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    Rocket blocke by server

    i have the same problem can you help me how do it thank
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    Rocket bloked for the sever

    thank rockycat you mind in my box setting
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    Rocket bloked for the sever

    hi guys this morning when i on my tvonline box siad :box bloqueed by server can you help me on this thank
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    Rocket Problem with live TV on 11. Server bouncing to the main menu

    i just received an update and do the same avov tv online Bouncing out of the live tv what happen
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    Rocket Dead Channels

    yp i have same problem
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    Rocket VOD Not working

    i have same problem avov tv on line VOD no work
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    Rocket donation

    thank crazed
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    Rocket donation

    hi guy i read in rocket server when buy a IPTV donation, the iks its free, my question is : if i can used both at same time or not thank for any help
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    Rocket no connect to server

    hi guys this morning my avov tvonline no connect to server any news thank