i have a new Rocket donation that I never get it to work. Put all information in on Potato TV and it say please check your internet connection and service URL. I know is not the internet connection because when i switch to IKS666 it work. Any advised on how to get the rocket donation to work?
i also have a donation that not working, tried everything possible and still not working. i know it is not my box because i have another code working on it. if you guys figure how to make those non working code work again let me know.
just wanted to post this in the correct section.Sorry i posted this in the wrong section before.
i just got a new donation, I enter mac address on papiao.is site, i enter the new numbers in potato TV and nothing happen. Am i doing something wrong?
I lost my password to papio tv, I can't link my mac address. I try to reset my password but I didn't received a repond on how to do it. Any help will be appreciated.