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  1. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private Donations not received

    Hi guys! I need help on this one. I tried to communicate but haven't received an answer.
  2. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private Heavy freezing today in many channels

    Hi guys! Its been a while since I have this kind of issues so just to know if someone else having strange excessive buffering on moat of the channels. And yes, I already wrote to staff but I want some feedback. Thanks!
  3. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private NBA Games unwatchables 😞

    I don't know what's happening, but there are a lot of channels with this looping and freeze issue, mostly the nbc sports, Bally and the NBA Pass channels. My clients are frustrated with it. Hope the guys can solve this asap 🙏 And yes, I emailed them about it
  4. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private Gettting message "couldn't connect to server" on kokaleka app

    Hi guys! One of my clients is getting this message after entering all the information to his app. I checked twice the info and is alright. What else can be?
  5. asesinopr

    Report / Issue NFPS / Private Puerto Rico channels down

    Telemundo PR, Wapa TV, Univision PR and Mega TV PR all down. Please fix soon. Thanks!
  6. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private Image freezing every minute, only audio working on most channels

    Hi guys! It's been a while... dad's life not getting easier jeje. Many channels, mostly movie channels are getting a still image, bit sound working normal. Using kokaleka v3 on android box.
  7. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private STB keeps getting blocked since domain change

    Hi guys! hope anyone could help. My service keeps getting blocked all the time. I just reset the account and watch some tv. But If I exit the app and enter again, it gets blocked. Same happening to a lot of my clients.
  8. asesinopr

    Pedraza vs Ramirez tonight..

    Hi guys! I know you never answer this petition but, is that fight will be televised?
  9. asesinopr

    VOD / INFO Channels from PR often switched to wrong ones

    Hi guys! Just letting you know that Puerto Rico Channels have been switching to USA channels or showing something different than the original. Channel numbers are 7781,7782,7784 mostly. Please share with the staff. Thanks!
  10. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private NBA League Pass...

    Hi guys!! Please check NBA league channels, not showing every game. Thanks!
  11. asesinopr

    Report / Issue NFPS / Private Channel 147 showing adult content 😳

    Hi guys, just to let you know, that channel showing extreme sports haha!!
  12. asesinopr

    PR Basketball league channel

    Hi all! Just want to suggest to add channel Punto 2 from Puerto Rico on the list because that will be the new channel for the PR Basketball League. Here we all follow this league, so it will be very appreciated if you consider this. Thanks!!
  13. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private Wrestlemania today. Channels???

    Hi guys. Im all ears...
  14. asesinopr

    Report / Issue NFPS / Private TNT [138] and ESPN [140] looping and freezing.

    Hi guys! Please fix ASAP. Today is All star game. Thanks!
  15. asesinopr

    Report / Issue NFPS / Private NBC Sports Boston [ch 428 ] down now

    This time there's no 2nd channel. Please fix. Thanks
  16. asesinopr

    Report / Issue NFPS / Private Now: NBC Sports Boston 428 down

    Please! Please! Please!! Celtics 2nite
  17. asesinopr

    DAZN fights...

    Hi all. Seems like not all DAZN fights will be transmitted. Thats not good....
  18. asesinopr

    Canelo vs Smith today

    Hi everyone!! What channel will show the fight tonight? 😁
  19. asesinopr

    ESPN fights

    Hi everyone. Do fights on ESPN will be on regular channel, or in ESPN +?
  20. asesinopr

    NFPS / Private Is there any fix for the looping on every channel?

    I use an android box with 90 MBPS. But lately, all channels works well for some mins, but then it goes looping and repeating until it freeze. Anyone having same issues?