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  1. Marley

    IPTV66 Confusion and box types?

    but the dreamlink is also a very fine box and so are a few more just read up on it this site has lots read on all boxes and what do you want the box to do thats the main question here what i like you may not so please read up on all there so many truly fine boxes from here and yes i run buzz and...
  2. Marley

    IPTV66 Confusion and box types?

    i second that for power it has lots memory
  3. Marley

    NFPS / Private R We down

    been doing so much have not watched tv cool it up again
  4. Marley

    NFPS / Private R We down

    i was down all day yesterday have not checked today
  5. Marley

    Know its hard times

    I know its hard times but if you got money this is one heck of box i cant say enough how fine picture is on this box not talking about 4k like 720p or even 480 this really has fine picture most all you can load this baby up and run just like day you got it Me i watch a lot of kodi and let me...
  6. Marley

    NFPS / Private Are we down

    yea i get that now and then will stop just give it time been running great for me till last night so hold on
  7. Marley

    What a picture

    I now have time test this box what a amazing picture it puts out truly a fine box i know 720p is 720p but this really puts out fine picture .The box will ez do 1080p 0r 4k but wanted to test at low setting.I have box set to hdr and when box boots up it shows it on top right corner for me .I...
  8. Marley

    Rocket Channels Skipping like crazy in the evening

    no we been down long time just got better
  9. Marley

    Rocket xtreamz x1

    are you running one of our severs rocket or iptv or 66 ?
  10. Marley

    Rocket portal server problem

    yup after a week of bad i think they got it fixed happy to say that
  11. Marley

    Rocket portal server problem

    just let you know all is working great now not even one hiccup this is on west coast calf
  12. Marley

    VOD / INFO Stb blocked

    yup you are so right on that one
  13. Marley

    Rocket portal server problem

    ok switch boxes all is working the new box i have wont work weird tried the new box on 3 different server same thing will do factory reset tomorrow on it hope that helps guess it just not my day told other to do ipreset and they all worked
  14. Marley

    Rocket portal server problem

    i get try again on portal wont connect and yes switch portal to test too and server is rocket just hope they are just working on server and thats problem and im not only one got few calls today
  15. Marley

    Rocket am i only one having problem

    yup for west coast all is fixed that i know of been hard time but all is well
  16. Marley

    Rocket am i only one having problem

    yea i said that too but we are not the only one this is happening to i know of 5 others that aren't working right some are real bad but all in all we will get through this i can truly say mine is getting back to norm not there yea but all most thats on rocket iptv and 66 finally got to go...
  17. Marley

    Rocket am i only one having problem

    will i can say now for two days it just ok but happy i know now it will get better in time cant just fix this one overnight i wish but im sure they are working hard at it all i can say is thanks rocket i know it bad out there stay safe too tv is great to have but all your lives mean more then...
  18. Marley

    Rocket am i only one having problem

    oh today tv works great wife is happy now im happy so give it time i guess if it was server thanks which it could of been with all home and there fixing that but i think just so many home messed everything up so still i tell all stay safe and give it time don't be mad hold kids play with them or...
  19. Marley

    Rocket am i only one having problem

    yes joker your right about that and to run in the walls and attic to that room they want lots money i will do it myself before it gets to hot here its attic part thats killer goes to point then to other attic opening