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  1. Marley

    Report / Issue NFPS / Private E! [114] Stuck on the same movie and looping for a few days

    that could be your end but don't think so just give it time and you already said what's going on so i tell you wait it out just give it time and thats hard part and i had it happen to me on last few mins of movie and that sucks too
  2. Marley

    Rocket VOD Server not available message

    yea i should said on mac address not modulator but happy you fixed it
  3. Marley


    Can you play picture in picture with two servers ?
  4. Marley

    These pic makes me happy

    I copy these picture dont know how long they will last but can say wow
  5. Marley

    Rocket VOD Server not available message

    click twice you should get it try that i needed to do that today
  6. Marley

    VOD / INFO Help With Selling Team

    anyone can get that app IPTV Smarters Player just another app to play files with
  7. Marley

    IPTV66 English channels anywhere ???

    filehippo.x-is-c then om get all vlc there just watch out that you dont add other stuff decline it when get vlc all they want you add there antivirus and stuff like that like always and filehippo.--- you get many new things to play with not just vlc
  8. Marley

    VOD / INFO which box????

    its like windows to mac they both fight each other but at end they both try be same try put best out
  9. Marley

    IPTV66 Picture issues

    what box and what setting do you have on it using hdmi? plus what refresh rate you have it at and you say it down sizes to me try new cable first
  10. Marley

    Kodi v19 is out

    Kodi v19 is out! Keep in mind, we have updated everything to Python 3, so make sure any addons you use have been updated, or they will be marked as incompatible on upgrade. yes, it's here! After several iterations of alpha, beta and RC, Team...
  11. Marley

    NFPS / Private I need a new provider

    and its all of what box you have too and what they did to it too
  12. Marley

    sorry tv channels

    were did all movie channels go missing many that where there long time ago ? to me just not same
  13. Marley

    xrs4900 - pre-release

    so what's big news been a few weeks i think
  14. Marley

    VOD / INFO Godzilla vs Kong (2021)

    many more great sifi coming this yr cant wait and ya going to watch this one
  15. Marley

    Rocket Constant relooping.

    wow dont get sound lost but a few say they do so i take your word on that one
  16. Marley

    Rocket Constant relooping.

    me sometime you need to reboot router and that will help but for most part its wait it out thing and most get stream from all same place and most say no freeze but funny how they say they fixed it
  17. Marley

    Rocket Constant relooping.

    all i can say is give it time
  18. Marley

    VOD / INFO Raffle for a StreamPro G1 Android IPTV OTT set-top HD 4K 01/29/2021 - Ryu reraffled

    How To Make Apple Cider On The Stovetop: Combine your ingredients in a stockpot. Add the apples, oranges*, and spices to a large stockpot. ... Simmer. Heat the cider over high heat until it reaches a simmer. ... Mash the apples and oranges. ... Strain. ... Sweeten. ... Serve warm.