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  1. Marley

    Rocket Painful as a Dentist..

    Look all im no trying to start something just want show you it getting hard to buy coins and will be even harder very soon in usa debit or c/c. I dont want be the guy give us bad news but the truth is out there getting hard buy coins im truly sorry for info and many know me for truth i put out...
  2. Marley

    Rocket Painful as a Dentist..

    suport saying this from post Crazed....I signed on to Block Chain and tried to buy 100$ of BCH or BTC several times each with my Visa CC.. Each time a reply came back saying PURCHASE NOT SUCESSFUL, or something like that..Cheers.. block chain dont work i try them get PURCHASE NOT SUCESSFUL...
  3. Marley

    Rocket Painful as a Dentist..

    read this Three major banks confirm that they won’t allow cryptocurrency transactions with their credit cards 20 Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup won’t let you buy Bitcoin on credit and...
  4. Marley

    Rocket Painful as a Dentist..

    I tried debit card from chase and they stop that too maybe just cal hell i don't know but i call many banks and both dont work in cal like i said only one card worked out many just trying to tell you what's going on here in usa that's all so if you don't have problem that's great but if you do...
  5. Marley

    Rocket How about a Prepaid card ??

    yup coinbase dont work in usa
  6. Marley

    Rocket Painful as a Dentist..

    you guys dont get it banks wont do any cryptos payments at all in usa things have changed here i only have one card left that will work you cant buy any with your cards they stop that and i tried many to buy they just wont do it chase and american express and many more will not let you use the...
  7. Marley

    VOD / INFO Finch (2021)

    two star is way to much for pain of watching it
  8. Marley

    Rocket Painful as a Dentist..

    yea i here you on that i only have one card that will let me use bitcoin all rest stop that service which sucks hard for me buy meds took me two days was hard as hell if you live in usa none will let you buy any bitcoin at all sucks big big time this is only in usa most card or banks wont take...
  9. Marley

    Now with filelinked gone

    is filelink gone ?
  10. Marley

    Must say this is very fast box

    Try with any box and go to kodi see how long it takes to get out of it this box within seconds even with half full .Still watching 4k without any hiccups at all on kodi truly luv this box. I been running many boxes for testing and this one is one best for speed and picture quality but you pay...
  11. Marley

    IPTV66 STBEmu channel list blank no service

    what is c that there at end mean just like know Ryu
  12. Marley

    Rocket STB blocked

    was me thats who
  13. Marley

    Report / Issue Rocket all channels

    no im on dedicated connection so no way in heck but i called them and there upgrading that's what i got on phone so maybe there doing something between that time will look into it more
  14. Marley

    This box will be main one

    Truly i got to say this has best picture for watching anything wont go into how dang fast it is or how interface is amazing and watch recorded movies off it i just say wow .Tell you if can save up for this box or can buy one now it is so worth it . This will be your main box for sometime that i...
  15. Marley

    Report / Issue Rocket all channels

    yup west is 6:00 to 10:00 then all fine again been doing this for sometime now and not just us
  16. Marley

    How to fix Dolby Atmos in VLC

    this was c&p Hey all, so I recently got a Dolby Atmos sound bar (with eARC!) and attempted to play one of the Atmos trailers with VLC on my HTPC, and was surprised to find that the sound bar was not receiving the Atmos information. I knew that Atmos content worked, because when I played the same...
  17. Marley

    Friends came over

    A few friends came over to check out my new box and both said wow what a fanatic's picture on this box . Soon i will do a lot testing on it want check out two server thing that you can record and watch tv at same time . Truly box is fast can get out kodi within a few seconds and been running a...
  18. Marley

    wow found my t3

    didnt even think i had t3 till i found it today must say its very nice box to have see what pain meds can do to you
  19. Marley

    VOD / INFO Godzilla vs Kong (2021)

    sorry this one sucked big time but for young kids ok movie wish they make r rated one only two fight scenes
  20. Marley

    Report / Issue NFPS / Private E! [114] Stuck on the same movie and looping for a few days

    then sit and wait it out they do read post about what's going on and we even have one to say its down here where you can post its down or freezing or moved but you did right thing to telling them it down