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  1. W

    Rocket email address

    Thanks, Suitably chastised, learned my lesson. Hope this helps others to avoid same mistake. DF
  2. W

    Rocket email address

    The original payment was made with PayPal to G**** V. under transaction id ****** Presumably I've been duped. Others be warned. Regards, DF
  3. W

    Rocket email address

    Tried that, doesn't work. Using the contact page sends the contact to [email protected] not IPTVRocket. [email protected] were no help, they have no record of my donation to IPTVRocket and refuse to help. Does IPTVRocket still exist? If so what is their email address. Regards, DF
  4. W

    Rocket email address

    Hi, Anyone got an email address for Rocket-IPTV I've been trying [email protected] but the message keeps on being returned by the email postmaster. Any help wouild be appreciated. Regards, David F